
Remah Homestay


Bulgur is a type of dried wheat that is boiled, dried and grounded. Bulgur began to emerge in the Mediterranean region and ancient civilizations such as Romania and Egyptian civilization around 1000 BC and is usually eaten in the Middle East, North Africa and India. Bulgur is also seen as a more  healthy alternative to rice in many areas of the Mediterranean.  Maha Khalaf specializes in the production of bulgur as one of the essentials in the Palestinian  cuisine.  What makes Maha's Bulgur very important and special is the fact that it is made the traditional way like Palestinian women used to do decades ago. And due to the importance of bulgur, the home stays project supported Maha's product and enrolled her in several workshops in production and marketing. The project also give her the chance to network with many of the owners of the other home stays, considering its importance as a potential market to generate a second income to support her family and her business.

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